Life Members
Many members have put in substantial time and effort keeping our club thriving over the years. This is a list of those who have had a lasting and significant impact and we thank them deeply.
Timothy & Cathy Barnes
Christine Beard
Desley Bignell
Greg Campbell
Jim Dougall
William & Stephanie Ferguson
Lesley & Alby Furness
Leanne & Mark Goepel
Ian Gow
Kevin Graham
William Green
Ron Hall
Fay Kennedy
Ken Lock
Michael & Anita Magee
Ron & Pam McCarthy
Victoria McLachlan
Barry Mourilyan
Paul Murry
Francis Ng
Ray Norman
Helen Profke
Noel Reynolds
Joe Robotham
Sandra Robson
Helen Rolls
Luise Seidler
Sue & Bret Sherrington
Gary & Sally Stick
Lyn Turner
Ray Ward
Dave Wood
Mary Thompson
Troy Reynolds
Coral Reynolds
Lauri Rose